Dissertation projects in the Mercator Programme
On this page you will find information on the practice-related dissertation projects of doctoral students currently funded by the Mercator scholarship.
The Mercator Fellowship: Dual Doctorates in the Arts and Humanities supports the one-year practical phase as part of the doctorate and is funded by the Mercator Foundation. The Fellowship started in April 2020 and will initially be awarded twice a year. All fellows are part of the Integrated Track and are each assigned to one of the interdisciplinary a.r.t.e.s. graduate classes.
Fellows 2021
Paulina Andrade Schnettler (class 3)
‘Not in my book’: Sources of knowledge and gendered occupational segregation in classical music in Chile
Simona Sbranna (class 8)
Developing linguistic competence in second language learning: fluency and prosody in Italian learners of German
Mona Schubert (class 5)
(Re-)Konstruktion eines Mediums. Die Fotografie auf der documenta 6
Kim Schumann (class 7)
Keyboard Warriors? Diaspora Activism and Social Media Use in the Southern Cameroons Conflict
Fellows 2020
Christoph Chwatal (class 5)
Forums, Assemblies, and Arenas: Knowledge Production in Contemporary Art Practice and Theory
Melanie Schippling (class 2)
On the relations of spoken and written Romani
Tabea Thies (class 8)
Effects of levodopa and deep brain stimulation on speech dynamics in patients with Parkinson’s disease