User Agreement of the Library for the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne
I. Generalities
§ 1 Tasks
§ 2 Use Authorizations
§ 3 Use Relationship
§ 4 Data Security
§ 5 Fees and Reimbursment of Expenses
§ 6 Hours
II. Usage of the Collections
§ 7 General usage
§ 8 Special use options for members of or guest scholars at the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School
§ 9 Special terms of use for external borrowers
§ 10 Terms for the borrowing of material
§ 11 Wi-Fi
III. Liability
§ 12 Liability of the Library
§ 13 Liability of the user and exclusion from use
§ 14 Liability for Damages
IV. Concluding Notes
§ 15 Equality Clause
§ 16 Effectivity
Given § 11 of the general regulations for the use of University of Cologne Libraries from August 252006 (vgl. Amtliche Mitteilung der Universität zu Köln 60/2006), the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School Library has issued the following regulations for use of the above stated library:
I. Generalities
The continued growth and caretaking of the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School library has fallen under the purview of the current librarian of the Thomas Institute (bibliothek-thomasinstitut since the founding of the graduate school in 2009.
§ 1 Tasks
- The a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School library is therefore, though managed from afar, an academic presence library. The library’s collection is not available for borrowing and can only be utilized within the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School premises (exceptions for borrowing can be made when necessary; see § 10). The library contributes to the research, teaching, and study of the Humanities through specific academic and scholarly works.
The library completes these tasks through: - The availability of books for use within the library
- The loaning out of books in exceptional cases
- The distribution of information sheets or through other means of research assistance within the purview of the library’s tasks
- The offering of verbal and written assistance in regard to questions related to the library’s collections
- Within the confines of this library regulation the word book may also refer to magazines and other written media in collections.
§ 2 Use Authorizations
- Those authorized to use the library are:
- Members of and guest researchers at the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School
- Professors, lecturers, academic staff and students of the University of Cologne (UzK)
- All those whose desired usage of the library fall under those stated in § 1 Absatz 1 Satz 2 and who wish to use the library’s collections for said purposes.
- Rights to remain in the library can be revoked at any time for those who wish to use the limited space of the a.r.t.e.s. Library as a workspace without intention of utilizing the library’s collection. The library’s premises do not consist of a reading room as is generally anticipated.
§ 3 Use Relationship
- The usage of the library of the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School follows the format of a public-law (öffentlich-rechtlichen) use relationship.
- This document and instructions issued by the librarian of the Thomas Institute for its implementation forms the legal basis for use of the a.r.t.e.s. Library.
- The use relationship and obligation to observe use regulations begin upon entering the library.
§ 4 Data Security
All personal data will be handled in accordance with the law to secure personal data.
§ 5 Fees and Reimbursment of Expenses
- The usage of the library of the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School is free.
- Any fees or reimbursement of expenses incurred will be charged in accordance with the University library fee regulations and the UzK library cost regulation, amended regularly.
§ 6 Hours
- The library’s hours follow those of the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School both during the semester and during semester breaks. The opening and closing times of the Graduate School can be found outside the office and on the website of the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School.
- The library may be closed on short notice. In case of an unexpected closure, the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School will post information outside of the office and on the website as soon as they are able.
II. Usage of the Collections
§ 7 General Use
- The user is entitled to the services of the library in accordance with use regulations and orders issued for their implementation in this library regulation.
- Users should conduct themselves in such a way, so as not to disturb others as they make use of the library and so as not to hinder the operations of the library. In the collective interest of all library users, the usage-area of the library should remain quiet at all times.
- Employees of the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School charged with the care of the library have a right to instruct users in matters which concern the safety and organization of the library and its collections.
- The instructions of the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School staff member entrusted with the supervision of the library must be followed at all times.
- Users who are visiting the library for the first time should introduce themselves to the library-supervision staff of the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School and, upon request, identify themselves to said staff member.
- The library collections are to be handled with care. Note taking, highlighting, underlining, etc. is not allowed. Each user is liable for any damages they have caused to the collection.
- Be aware of the prohibition on copying set by the librarian of the Thomas Institute for specific books.
- Jackets and bags are allowed to be brought into the library.
- Animals are not allowed to be brought into the library.
§ 8 Special use options for members of and guest scholars at the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School
- Members of and guest scholars at the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School are allowed to borrow all books from the library for use in the borrower’s office space.
- ALL books taken from the library for any period of time must be marked with a yellow substitute certificate (with the call number, author, title of book, name of the borrower and date borrowed filled out). After using the book, the borrower should return it in a timely manner. The books are there for collective use to be made available to other users of the library.
- No more than ten books and media articles from the library’s collections should be borrowed at once, for instance in a single office space.
§ 9 Special terms of use for external users
- Spaces within the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School beyond the library and the entrance of the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School may only be used by those people stated in § 7 Section 3 of this document.
- Books which are stored in spaces not available on a regular basis can be requested and retrieved by an employee of the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for use within the library. All books retrieved by a.r.t.e.s. employees must be returned before exiting the library.
- Books which are stored in available spaces in the library are to be placed in their original location by the end of the day.
- The library’s scanners and copiers are not to be used without special permissions from an employee of the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School.
- Photographing books is only allowed in the presence of an employee of the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School and must be in accordance with the applicable copyright laws.
- Upon leaving the library, the user may be asked to show the media they have brought with them and the bags and containers currently in use to an employee of the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School responsible for the upkeep of the library.
- Food and drink is not to be brought into or consumed in the library (with the exception of water in water bottles).
§ 10 Terms for the borrowing of materials
As a presence-exclusive library the library of the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School does not allow for the borrowing of library materials. However, in specific cases the librarian of the Thomas Institute may approve exceptions to his rule if the desired book is the single copy available within the UzK library system. Professors, teachers and scientific assistants are may borrow material for the purposes of scientific research; the books are not to be kept for longer than a week. In order to borrow materials a student must present their student ID. The lending period is 14 days at the maximum. In special cases the Thomas Institute librarian may approve a longer-term lending period. The user should be sure in cases of longer-term borrowing that the borrowed material is returned to the library upon request within two days.
All other users are allowed to request that they borrow the book for a short period of time in order to copy or scan said material. This request should be submitted to an a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School employee and the material must be returned on the same day that it was borrowed. One can only borrow in this way by providing an a.r.t.e.s. employee with a valid photo ID until the time that the material is returned. All responsibility regarding the copyright of materials is taken on by the user themself.
In both cases the librarian of the Thomas Institute can limit the number of books borrowed at a given time. Specific books are not borrowable for specific reasons (for example because of the book’s particular value, age or condition). Journals, dictionaries and other reference materials are not borrowable.
§ 11 Wi-Fi
- Our Wi-Fi is only available to students and staff of the University of Cologne or through another institution “Eduroam” participating institution.
- The a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School library is not responsible for the content, availability, freedom from viruses, and quality of third-party offers provided via the internet access on our campus. No guarantee is given for the functionality of the internet.
III. Liability
§ 12 Liability of the library
The library is not liable for
- The loss or destruction of property which the user brings into the library.
- Damages resulting from incorrect content within the used materials.
- Damages resulting from incorrect, incomplete, omitted, or delayed services.
- Damages resulting from the improper handling of technical equipment and data files of the library as well as damages to the user’s files.
- Damages resulting from the misuse of data of a third party given insufficient data security on the internet.
- User violation of copyright and licensing laws.
- Consequences of contractual obligations between users and internet service providers, particularly not for financial obligations arising from the use of paid services.
§ 13 Liability of the user and exclusion from use
- The user is liable for all damages resulting from their non-compliance with the library’s usage agreement and the orders issued for the implementation of said usage agreement.
- In the case of serious or repeated violations of the library’s usage agreement, as well as actions which interrupt the operations of the library, the librarian is authorized to bar the respective user from the use of the library, after clarifying the reasoning with the user, either temporarily or permanently, either partially or completely, in order to protect the library.
§ 14 Liability for Damages
- For all damages or for the loss of library materials the user is liable. This is also true for any damages done to the library’s other property. (Damages not caused by the user should be reported to the librarian)
- The librarian will define the liability of the user for the incurred damages at their own discretion. They may demand a user restore the material to its previous condition, procure a replacement, another work of equal value, or a reproduction of the material at the user’s expense. Appropriate monetary compensation may also be requested. This shall be paid within a reasonable period of time.
IV. Concluding Notes
§ 15 Equality Clause
All portions of this user agreement apply to all users regardless of gender.
§ 16 Effectivity
This user agreement is in effect. It can be found and read within the library and on the website of the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School.
Köln, den 01.03.2020
Dr. Maxime Mauriège
Wiss. Bibliothekar des