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Marilena Panarelli




Current position:      

01/07/2020 – present  Post-doc position (Assegnista di ricerca) at the Università del Salento (Lecce, Italy), as part of the research project “Averroism. History, Developments and Implications of a Cross-Cultural Tradition” founded by PRIN 2017.


Previous positions:                                                 

01/12/2019 – 30/04/2020       Research Assistant in the project “Human Being as a Cross-point: the Beginnings of the Modern Concept of Man in the Middle Ages” (PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2016-2351) at the Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca (Romania), funded by Executive Unit for the Financing of Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI).


15/03/2019 – 31/12/2019       Research Assistant at the Thomas Institute (Universität zu Köln); involved in the “Maimonides Latinus” project directed by Diana di Segni, founded by GIF – German Israeli Foundation.


09/06/2023 – 09/06/2034       National Scientific Habilitation (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale) in History of Philosophy for positions as Associate Professor in Italian Universities.


11/01/2016 – 17/05/2019       PhD in History of Philosophy – International program “Filosofia. Forme e storia dei saperi filosofici” (XXXI ciclo).

Università degli Studi del Salento (Italy) in cotutela with the Universität zu Köln (Thomas Institut), Germany

Supervisors: Prof. Pasquale Porro and Prof. Andreas Speer.

Dissertation in History of Medieval Philosophy: “Le piante nel pensiero medievale. Il De vegetabilibus di Alberto il Grande e il VII libro della Catena aurea entium di Enrico di Herford (Con edizione critica della Catena aurea entium VII, ansae 1-2)”.

Final grade: Highest grade cum laude “With honors - summa cum laude”.

10/10/2018 – 31/01/2019       Research stay at the Thomas Institute (Universität zu Köln), Germay.

01/02/2018 – 28/02/2018       Research stay at the Albertus Magnus Institute (Bonn), Germany.

10/10/2017 – 31/01/2018       Research stay at the Thomas Institute (Universität zu Köln), Germany


01/10/2012 – 20/10/2014       Master in “Scienze Filosofiche”

Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”, Italy

Thesis in History of Science entitled “Fisica quantistica come filosofia della natura. Una sfida al senso comune che guarda verso Oriente”. Degree mark 110/110 cum laude.


01/10/2009 – 24/10/2012       Bachelor in “Filosofia”                                                                  

Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”, Italy                                      

Thesis in History of Medieval Philosophy titled “La dottrina del Verbo in Tommaso d’Aquino”. Degree mark 110/110 cum laude.                           

01/09/2011 – 31/07/2012       Exchange semesters abroad (ERASMUS project)

                                               Universität zu Köln, Germany

09/15/2004 – 13/07/2009       High School Diploma in Classical Studies – Liceo Classico “C. Troya”, Andria, Italy.



Collaborations in Projects

01/03/2021 – 31/12/2022       Collaboration with the University Babes Bolyai Cluj-Napoca (Romania) in the framework of the project “Melancholy in Medieval Europe (1100-1400). Depression, Creativity, and Philosophy of Nature” funded by the Executive Unit for the Financing of Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI).

01/06/2019 – 30/10/2019       Contributor in the MPIWG Working Group “Premodern Experience of the Natural World in Translation” at the Max Planck Institute, Berlin (Germany).


Award and Prizes

29/09/2022                             Premio alla memoria Pieter De Leemans for the best PhD dissertation including a philosophical study and a critical edition (awarded by the University of Turin).


Scholarships and Stipends

2016 – 2018 – 2022 – 2023   Quadruple recipient of the Brepols SIEMP Stipend for Colloquium and Congress Attendance (2016, 2018, 2022).


01/09/2018 – 07/09/2018       Recipient of a Scholarship for attending the summer school “Aristotle's Metaphysics - Yesterday and Today” organized by the University of Lugano (Switzerland).


10/10/2017 – 31/12/2017       Recipient of a networking Grant by the initiative “a.r.t.e.s. international - for all” of the A.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne (Germany).


16/11/2016 – 18/11/2016       Recipient of a Stipend to attend the GRaaL Doctoral Week “Botanical Traditions between Antiquity and Middle Ages”, held in Pisa (Italy).


15/08/2016 – 19/08/2016       EGSAMP summer school stipend (2016).



Teaching Activities:

01/10/2021 – 31/01/2022       Teaching the Course “Steine, Pflanzen, Tiere: Die naturphilosophische Welt von Albert dem Großen” at the University of Cologne with Evelina Miteva and Mario Loconsole.


28/02/2022 – 04/06/2022

28/02/2023 – 07/06/2023       Teaching assistant (“Cultrice della materia”) in History of Medieval Philosophy; member of the examining board in History of Philosophy at the University del Salento, Italy (both for undergraduate and graduate courses); lectures given in the bachelor course in History of Medieval Philosophy, held by Prof. Fiorella Retucci.


Institutional Responsibility

Member of the examination commission in Medieval Philosophy (Università del Salento)

Member of the graduation commission (Università del Salento)

Cultrice della materia (Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Università di Torino)

Cultrice della materia (Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Università del Salento)


Commissions of Trust

Member of the editorial board of “Quaestio. Yearbook of the History of Metaphysics”.


Language Skills

Mother language                                Italian

Knowledge Of Ancient Languages    Ancient Greek and Latin

English                                               C1      

German                                              C1      

French                                                B1      



Conferences And Workshops Attended


On invitation:


15–16/11/2022           Partecipation in the workshop “Maladies of the Soul – Medicine and Philosophy 4” in Cluj (Rumenia),          with a speech titled “Lovesickness, Melancholy, and Their Remedies in Boccaccio’s Decameron and his medical Sources”.

25–26 March 2022    Participation in the conference “Medieval Arabic and Latin Conceptions of Spirit. Between Philosophy, Theology and Medicine” at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich, (Germany), with a speech entitled “Bordering on Matter and Form: Spiritus and Plant Formation”.           

25–26 February 2021 Participation in the conference “Complexio. Across Times and Disciplines” at the Center for the History of Philosophy and Science at Radboud University, Nijmegen (The Netherlands), with a speech titled “The Role of the formae complexionales in Plants According to Albert the Great”.

26–27 June 2019       Participation in the conference “Premodern experience of Natural Word in Translation” at the Max Planck Institute in Berlin (Germany), with a speech titled “Sapor est quod certissimum dat experimentum. The Doctrine of Flavours and the Key Role of experimentum in Albert the Great’s De vegetabilibus and its sources”.

10–11 June 2019       Participation in the conference “Perì phytòn. Trattati greci di botanica in Occidente e in Oriente” at the University of Macerta (Italy), with a speech titled “Il ruolo del De vegetabilibus di Alberto il Grande nella storia della ricezione del De plantis”.

9–10 May 2019          Participation in the conference “Medicine and Philosophy: the longue durée of humoral theory” at the Babeş-Bolay University of Cluj Napoca (Romania), with a speech titled “How to be a scientist by tasting. The role of sapor in plant investigation”.


Call for papers:


22–26/08/2022           Participation in the XVth SIEMP Congress “Radical Thinking” in Paris (France), with a speech titled “From Radical Moisture to Melancholy: The Latin Reception of Arabic Pharmacology”.                                 

8–9/09/2021                Participation in the Humboldt conference “Mondi reali / Mondi possibili: l'esperimento (Wirkliche Welten/ Mogliche Welten: Das Experiment)” in Bari (Italy), with a speech titled “Experimentum solum certificat in talibus. Epistemologia del particolare nella filosofia naturale di Alberto Magno”.

7–10/09/2020             Participation in the 42nd Kölner Mediaevistentagung “Curiositas” in Cologne (Germany), with a speech titled “The Dominican Botanical Culture. The Rehabilitation of curiositas in Albert the Great’s De vegetabilibus and Vincent of Beauvais’ Speculum naturale”.

13–14/06/2019           Participation in the conference “Mind and Body. Aspects of Medieval Natural Philosophy” at University of Łódź (Poland), with a talk titled “The digested Mind. The Spirit as the Highest Product of Digestion”.

22–23/03/2019           Participation in the conference “Appréhender les catégories zoologiques dans les sociétés du passé” at the University of Sorbonne (France), with a speech titled “The classification of Bees from Antiquity to early modern Ages”.

10–11/10/2018           Participation in the SIEMP Colloquium “Life and Death in Medieval Thought”, which took place in Leuven (Belgium), with a speech titled “Converting Death into Life: the Role of Putrefaction in Plant Generation according to Albert the Great”.

3–8/09/2018               Participation in the conference and summer school “Philosophies in the Mediterranean: Aristotle’s Metaphysics Yesterday and Today” at Palermo, organized by l’Università della Svizzera Italiana (Switzerland), with a speech titled “Could the problem of universals be re-examined with regard to Aristotle’s method of classification?”.

8–10/11/ 2017            Participation in the Cologne-Toronto conference in Cologne (Germany), with a speech titled “Albert the Great on the Role of Heat and Moisture. The Generation of Minerals and Plants”.

8–10/11/2017              Participation in the workshop “Albert the Great and the Nature”, organized by AMI (Albertus Magnus Institute) in Bonn (Germany), with a speech titled “The Digestio plantarum as cause of plant growth in Albert the Great’s De vegetabilbus”.

28/09–1/10/2016         Participation in the SIEMP colloquium “Pseudo-Aristotelian texts in Medieval Thought”, which took place in Cluj (Romania), with a speech titled “Inner heat and radical moisture as foundation for life: from the pseudo-Aristotelian De plantis to Albert’s De vegetabilibus”.

15–19/08/2016           Participation in the EGSAMP summer school “Locality and cross-border Exchange in the Middle Ages”, which took place in Ohrid (Macedonia), with a speech titled “The concept of radical moisture from ancient Greece to Albert the Great’s De vegetabilibus”.


Organization of Scientific Meetings

15-16/11/2022            Co-organizer of the conference “Medicine and Philosophy 4. Maladies of the Soul” in Cluj (Romania).

10-12/11/2016            Co-organizer of the international colloquium “Egidio Romano, il suo pensiero e la sua influenza”, which took place at the Università di Bari (Italy), with around 120 participants.



01/2016 – present      member of CETEFIL (Centro per l’edizione di testi filosofici medievali e rinascimentali).

01/2022 – present      member of SISPM (Società italiana per lo studio del pensiero medievale).

02/2022 – present      member of SIEPM (Société internationale pour l’étude de la philosophie médiévale).






  1. Henricus de Hervordia, Catena aurea entium VII (1-2), ed. M. Panarelli, Meiner, Hamburg 2023 (Corpus Philosophorum Teutonicorum Medii Aevi, forthcoming) ISBN 978-3-7873-4312-6.


In peer-reviewed journals


  1. Panarelli M., ‘On the trail of the scientia plantarum: an analysis of the sources of Albert the Great’s De vegetabilibus’, In Quaestio 23 (2023), forthcoming.
  2. Panarelli M., ‘Per cacciar la malinconia delle femine: immaginazione e malattia d’amore nel Decameron di Boccaccio’, in Noctua 10 (2023), pp. 135-160.
  3. Panarelli M., ‘La recezione del De vegetabilibus di Alberto Magno nella Catena aurea entium di Enrico Di Herford’, in Itinerari, 62 (2022), forthcoming.
  4. Panarelli M., ‘Converting Death into Life. Spontaneous Generation from Aristotle’s Biology to Albert the Great’s analysis of Plants’, in Quaestio, 22 (2022), pp. 493-508.
  5. Panarelli M., ‘How do Plants live and grow? Radical Moisture and Digestion Albert the Great’s De vegetabilibus’, in Quaestio, 20 (2020), pp. 309-329.
  6. Panarelli M., ‘La classification des abeilles, de l’Antiquité au début de l’ère moderne’, in Antropozoologica, 55/13 (2020), pp. 187-198.
  7. Panarelli M., ‘John Krosbein’s commentary on the pseudo-Aristotelian De plantis: a critical edition’, in Bulletin de philosophie médiévale, 61 (2019), pp. 125-152.
  8. Panarelli M., ‘Plant Changing Species. The Latin Debate on the transmutatio plantarum’, in Quaestio, 19 (2019), pp. 385-399.


In collective volumes

  1. Panarelli M., ‘The Dominican Botanical Culture: The Rehabilitation of Curiositas in Albert the Great’s De vegetabilibus and in Vincent de Beauvais’ Speculum naturale’, in A. Speer and R. Schneider (eds.), Curiositas, De Gruyter, Berlin 2022, pp. 376-394 (Miscellanea Mediaevalia, 42).
  2. Panarelli M., ‘Scientific Tasting: Flavors in the Investigation of Plants and Medicines from Aristotle to Albert the Great’, in K. Krause et Al. (eds.), Premodern Experience of the Natural World in Translation, Routledge, New York 2022, pp. 74-89.
  3. Panarelli M., ‘Bodily Prerequisites of the Mind: the Spirit as the Highest product of Digestion’, in M. Gensler, M. Mansfeld and M. Michałowska (eds.), The Embodied Soul. Aristotelian Psychology and Physiology in Medieval Europe between 1200 and 1420, Springer, Cham 2022, pp. 115-132 (Historical-Analytical Studies on Nature, Mind and Action, 11).
  4. Panarelli M., ‘Can plants desire? Some Aspects of the Medieval Debate on desiderium naturale’, in F. Baldassarri and A. Blank (eds.), Vegetative Powers. Bodily Lives from Late Antiquity to Early Modernity, Springer, Wien / New York 2021, pp. 91-104.
  5. Panarelli M., ‘Albert the Great’s De vegetabilibus and Its Unique Position Among the Medieval Commentaries on De plantis’, in G. Giglioni and M. F. Ferrini, Περὶ φυτῶν. Trattati greci di botanica in Occidente e in Oriente, EUM, Macerata 2020, pp. 137-162.


Co-edited journal issue

  1. Panarelli M., Loconsole M. and E. Miteva, Natural Philosophy in Albert the Great – A Dialogue of Disciplines, in Quaestio 23, forthcoming



  1. Panarelli M., Michela Pereira: Ildegarda di Bingen. Maestra di sapienza nel suo tempo e oggi, Gabrielli Editori, Verona 2018, pp. 176, in Segni e Comprensione 94 (2018), pp. 214-218 (


Conference reports

  1. D’ercole F. A., Loconsole M. and Panarelli M., ‘Giles of Rome: His Thought and Influence’, in Bulletin de philosophie médiévale, 58 (2016), pp. 120-130.
  2. Panarelli M., ‘La medicina nel Basso Medioevo. Tradizioni e Conflitti’, in Bulletin de philosophie médiévale, 60 (2018), pp. 282-293.

