Doctoral Board
The doctoral board of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities is to be compiled according to 3 Abs. 2 PromO from June 11th, 2015 [the official deputies of members are listed in square brackets].
- Chairman:
Prof. Dr. Stefan Grohé (Kunsthistorisches Institut) - Representatives of Discipline-Group 1:
Prof. Dr. Susanne Wittekind (Kunsthistorisches Institut) [Prof. Dr. Birgit Hellwig (Institut für Linguistik)] - Representatives of Discipline-Group 2:
Prof. Dr. Eckhard Deschler-Erb (Archäologisches Institut) [Prof. Dr. Michael Heinzelmann (Archäologisches Institut)] - Representatives of Discipline-Group 3:
Prof.’in Dr. Bettina Bock (Institut für deutsche Sprache und Literatur II) [Prof. Dr. Torsten Hahn (Institut für deutsche Sprache und Literatur I)] - Representatives of Discipline-Group 4:
Prof. Dr. Anne Storch (Afrikanistik) [Prof. Dr. Michael Bollig (Institut für Ethnologie)] - Representatives of Discipline-Group 5:
Prof. Dr. Heinz Antor (Englisches Seminar I) [Prof. Dr. Ann Marynissen (Institut für Niederlandistik)] - Representatives of Discipline-Group 6:
Prof. Dr. Fabian Klose (Historisches Institut) [Prof. Dr. Sabine von Heusinger (Historisches Institut)] - Representatives of Discipline-Group 7:
Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Höhn (Institut für katholische Theologie) [N.N.] - Representatives of Discipline-Group 8:
Prof. Dr. Christine Chwaszcza (Philosophisches Seminar) [Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Andreas Speer (Philosophisches Seminar)] - Representatives of Research Associates:
Dr. Sophie-Luise Mävers (Kunsthistorisches Institut) [Dr. Elena Brandenburg (Institut für Skandinavistik/Fennistik)]
[Dr. Angelika Mietzner (Institut für Afrikanistik)] - Representatives of other staff members:
Birgit Klemann (Musikwissenschaftliches Institut) [Dr. Andreas Gernemann-Paulsen (Musikwissenschaftliches Institut)] - Student Representatives:
Nils Bühler
Janine Schröder
Advisory members of the Doctoral Board according to § 3 Abs. 2 PromO Prof. Dr. Andreas Hüttemann (Vice-Dean for Research and Young scientists), Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Andreas Speer (Director of the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School) and Dr. Artemis Klidis-Honecker (Managing Director of the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School) are advisory members to the doctoral board according to § 3 Abs. 2 PromO.