The members of the a.r.t.e.s. commission serve as the heads of the interdiscipinary a.r.t.e.s. graduate classes. As such, they also supervise the annual application and selection process for the structured doctoral model “Integrated Track”.

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Roman Bartosch
Department of English II, University of Cologne
Main areas of research: Literature and Culture Pedagogy; Literary Learning and New Media; Anglophone Literatures and Cultures from the 19th to the 21st Centuries; Inter- and Transcultural Learning; Education for Sustainability; Transcultural Ecology, Human-Animal Studies, Ecocriticism; Inclusive Language Teaching; Literary Value and Canonicity

Prof. Dr. Benjamin Beil
Professur für Medienwissenschaft mit Schwerpunkt Digitalkultur
Computerspiele, Fernsehserien, Digitale Medien im Museum, partizipative Medienkulturen, Inter- und Transmedialität

Prof. Dr Sven Bernecker
Department of Philosophy, University of Cologne
Main areas of research: Epistemology; metaphysics and philosophy of mind; Kant and German idealism

Prof. Dr. Anja Bettenworth
Department of Classics, University of Cologne
Main areas of research: Ancient epic; Roman elegy; Hellenistic poetry; Reception of Antiquity in modern film and literature - especially in the modern Maghreb

Prof.'in Dr. Christiane M. Bongartz
Englisches Seminar I, Universität zu Köln
Forschungsschwerpunkte: Multilingualism with respect to language development, literacy/ies, and socio-economic conditioning

Prof.'in Dr. Gabriella Cianciolo Cosentino
Kunsthistorisches Institut – Abteilung Architekturgeschichte

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Wiebke Dannecker
Department of German Language and Literature II, University of Cologne
Main areas of research: Literature and its Teaching in Inclusive Settings; (Digital) Media in a Mother Tongue Classrom; Educational Governance; Empirical Methods in the Field of Literature and its Teaching

Prof. Dr. Torsten Hahn
Institut für deutsche Sprache und Literatur I
Neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft
Ästhetik und Poetik: Codierungen der Literatur / Theorie der Form, Medientheorie und Literatur, Das Politische der Literatur, Pop und / als Oberfläche

Prof. Dr. Fabian Klose
Lehrstuhl für Internationale Geschichte und historische Friedens- und Konfliktforschung

Prof. Dr. Sandra Kurfürst
Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology / GSSC / Graduiertenkolleg 2261 „anschließen–ausschließen“
Main areas of research: Urbanism, media and communication, state-society relations, development, visualization in participatory programmes, audiovisual methods, Hip Hop studies; regional foci: Southeast Asia and the Pearl River Delta

Prof.'in Dr. Ulrike Lindner
Historisches Institut – Abteilung für neuere Geschichte
Globalgeschichte, vergleichende Imperiengeschichte, postkoloniale Ansätze, Gesundheitspolitik

Prof.'in Dr. Doris Mücke
Institut für Linguistik - Phonetik
Experimental Phonetics and Phonology, Modelling of Typical and Atypical Speech, Prosody and Articulation

Prof.'in Dr. Gesine Müller
Romanisches Seminar – Romanische Philologie
Weltliteratur-Debatte und Lateinamerika, Literaturen der spanischen und französischen Karibik, Literaturen der Romantik, Transkulturalität/Transferforschung

Prof. Dr. Wolfram Nitsch
Romanisches Seminar
Französische Prosa des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts, Argentinische Literatur der Moderne, Raum und Fortbewegung in Literatur und Film

Prof. Dr. Anke Ortlepp
Department of History, University of Cologne
Main areas of research: American Cultural History; History of Travel and Tourism; Gender History; Urbanism, Space and History; History of Things; Material Culture Studies

Prof.'in Dr. Michaela Pelican
Institut für Ethnologie
Transnationale Migration, Süd-Süd Mobilität, Ethnizität, Indigenität, pastorale Ökonomie, visuelle Anthropologie, Medienethnologie

Prof. Dr. Ute Planert
Department of History - Chair of Modern History, University of Cologne
Main areas of research: European history of the 18th and 20th centuries; nationalism, war and post-war period; the Napoleonic Empire in a global context

Prof. Dr. Silviane Scharl
Department of Prehistoric Archaeology
Main areas of research: European Neolithic and Copper Age; Transfer of innovation in prehistoric societies; Neolithic Critique

Prof.'in Dr. Monika Schausten
Institut für deutsche Sprache und Literatur I – Ältere deutsche Sprache und Literatur
Deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit, Medialität der Vormoderne: Visuelle Topoi und Farbdiskurse mittelalterlicher Literatur, Tauschökonomien mittelalterlicher Literatur

Prof. Dr. Petra Schumacher
Department for German Language and Literature, University of Cologne
Main areas of research: Experimental Pragmatics; Information Structure; Psycho/Neurolinguistics; Reference

Prof. Dr. Christian Spies
Department of Art History, University of Cologne
Main areas of research: Image Theory; European Postwar Painting; Conceptual Painting; Theory of Sculpture; History of Video Art

Prof. Dr. Karl Ubl
Department of History, University of Cologne
Main areas of research: History of Education and Learning; History of Kinship Relations; Legal History; History of the Carolingians