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Dr. Philipp Steinkrüger

Research Project

“Analyse und Aporie in der antiken Philosophie” (--> project profile)


Short biography

I graduated from the University of Cologne with an M.A. in 2007 with a thesis on Plotinus’ epistemology. After working as a research assistant (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Cologne I was awarded a Newman Fellowship at Trinity College Dublin and subsequently joined an FWO research group at KU Leuven where in 2015 I earned my PhD with a dissertation entitled Aristotle’s metabasis-prohibition and its Reception in Late Antiquity. The dissertation deals with a fundamental aspect of ancient philosophy of science, viz. the requirement that the conclusion of a demonstration that pertains to one science may not rely on premises pertaining to another science. I am generally in everything philosophical regardless of subject or period, but especially in questions regarding knowledge and that special kind of knowledge one might want to call scientific. Apart from my philosophical interests, I am involved in the field of Digital Humanities and here I am particularly concerned with digital editions. I am a co-founder of the Institute of Documentology and Digital Editing and the editor of its review journal RIDE


Academic scholarships, grants and awards

Fully-funded 1-year Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the Hoger Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte, KU Leuven (rejected)

Fully-funded Fellow of The Explanation of Qualitative Properties in Neoplatonic Philosophy of Nature and Metaphysics (Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, FWO) at the De Wulf-Mansion Centre for Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, KU Leuven, October 2012–November 2015

Newman Fellowship Trinity College Dublin, 2011–2012

DAAD-scholarship King’s College London, March–May 2011

Two travel grants for the project Die Entstehung des platonischen Systems im frühen Mittelplatonismus (60 v. Chr.–80 n. Chr.), Vigoni exchange programme, DAAD, PPP-Italien, Cologne-Milano (Università degli Studi), 2006–2007

Erasmus-scholarship Hoger Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte, KU Leuven, 2005–2006



See my page.


Selected talks

No kind-crossing in scientific demonstrations: what justifies Aristotle’s prohibition (University of Chicago, 2/12/2016)

On the evaluation of digital editions (Scholarship in Software – Software in Scholarship, Bern, 1/30/2015)

Philoponus’ view of the Aristotelian metabasis-prohibition (Hoger Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte postgraduate seminar, Leuven, 12/17/2014)

Proclus’ theory of σειραί (Instituut voor Klassieke Studies, Leuven, 11/28/2014)

Aristotle’s theory of metabasis and Proclus’ response (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 11/25/014)

The notion of γένος in Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics (De Wulf-Mansion Centre Research Day, Leuven 6/3/2014)

Mathematics and Beauty in Aristotle (EGSAMP Summerschool ‘Beauty and Truth in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy’, Amsterdam, 8/22/2013)

Self-Evidence in Husserl’s Cartesian Meditations (CCCP Workshop ‘Husserl, Cartesian Meditations’, Riga, 7/15/2013)

Essential Transivitiy in Aristotle’s Categories (KU Leuven Colloquium ‘Categories in Ancient Philosophy’, Leuven, 4/15/2013)

Demonstrable Self-Evidence in Proclus’ Euclid Commentary (Proclus Workshop, Dublin, 2/14/2013)

Deriving the Formula of Humanity in Kant’s Groundwork (CCCP Workshop ‘Kant’s Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals’, Kaunas, 11/8/2012)

Issues about the Origin of Aristotle's Characterization of Metaphysics in Gamma 1 and 2 (Trinity College Dublin Research Seminar, 3/12/2012)

Proclus on Hypotheses in his Commentary on Euclid (KNAW/OIKOS Master Class ‘Expanding the Canon of Ancient Philosophy’, Amsterdam, 2/1/2012)

Das Verhältnis der Wissenschaften in Proklos’ Kommentar zum ersten Buch der Elemente Euklids (Forschungsseminar Prof. Horn, Bonn, 1/18/2012)

Aristotle’s Theory of the Mean in The Nicomachean Ethics (CCCP Workshop ‘Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics’, Kaunas, 11/9/2011)

Focality and the Interrelations of the Sciences in Aristotle (The Classical Model of Science II Conference, Amsterdam, 8/4/2011)

Aristoteles und die moderne Relevanzlogik (Philosophisches Kolloquium, Köln, 1/27/2011)

Die Pluralität der Wissenschaften: Aristoteles’ Metabasisverbot (Köln-Bonner Philosophisches Kolloquium, Köln, 2/3/2010)

Selbst, Selbstbewusstsein und Selbsterkenntnis bei Plotin (Köln-Bonner Philosophisches Kolloquium, Bonn, 1/9/2009)


Photo: Patric Fouad
