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Every Early Stage Researcher (ESR) candidate must submit a statement on ethical issues. Depending on the research topic of the ESRs’ individual research proposals, several ethics issues could be relevant. Since there is a wide variety of methods used in different areas of the Humanities (focus groups, interviews, participatory research, combining methods of social sciences and life sciences, etc.), at a.r.t.e.s. EUmanities we expect to be faced with ethical issues regarding:

  • Good scientific practice
  • Correct treatment of scientific data
  • Ethics and safety assessment regarding research outside Europe
  • Research on Humans and Traditional Knowledge
  • Research on indigenous populations which requires fair benefit-sharing arrangements, misuse of data etc.
  • Observing and tracking the location of human participants
  • Involvement of children or people unable to give consent
  • Processing of personal data
  • Research on Prehistorian Human Remains
  • Research on Material of Historical Value

The Ethic Advisory Board of a.r.t.e.s. EUmanities will check the ethical issues of the candidate, help the ESRs improve their ethical issues sheet and offer mentoring support to the ESR fellows for their individual research. The ESRs should adhere to the recognised ethical practices and fundamental ethical principles appropriate to their discipline(s) as well as to ethical standards as documented in the different national, sectoral or institutional Codes of Ethics. Their research must comply with national and international law.

Important links:
The European Charter for Researchers
Guidance Note for Researchers and Evaluators of Social Sciences and Humanities Research

a.r.t.e.s. EUmanities has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 713600.

Call: H2020-MSCA-COFUND-2015 | Proposal: 713600 – artes EUmanities
