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Dr.'in Elodie Boublil

Research project

Alexander von Humboldt-Fellowship: “Rethinking Personhood and Solidarity: The Anthropological and Ethical Contributions of the Phenomenology of Feeling (Gemüt)” (--> project profile)


Short biography

After graduating from Sciences Po Paris (political science and international relations) and Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne (philosophy), Elodie Boublil earned her PhD at McGill University, department of philosophy (2013). Her dissertation investigated subjectivity's individuation in its relation to perception, and made explicit its redefinitions in the phenomenological tradition, drawing on the notion of operative intentionality (notably in Husserl and Merleau-Ponty).

She then received a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship from the European Commission (2015–2017) and carried out a project titled “Beyond Empathy: toward a phenomenological ethics of vulnerability” at the CNRS in France. She has been visiting research fellow in Copenhagen (Centre for Subjectivity Research, Fall 2016) and Rome (Gregorian University, 2017–2018).


Main research interests

Phenomenology, Continental philosophy (19th–20th centuries), Philosophical Anthropology, Psychology (Empathy, Vulnerability, Psycho-trauma), Ethics, Political Theory, Migration Ethics


Lists of publications


Boublil, E., Individuation et Vision du Monde. Enquête sur l’héritage ontologique de la phénoménologie. Coll. Phénomenologie, Zeta Books, 2014.
> Reviewed by Antonio Calcagno, in Comparative and Continental Philosophy, Vol. 8 (2), 2016, p. 245-247. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17570638.2016.1200327

Edited volumes

Boublil, E. (Ed.), Vulnérabilité et Empathie: Approches phénoménologiques. Paris, coll. Philosophie, Hermann, 2018.

Boublil E., Johnson, G. and Whitmoyer, K. (Eds.), “Phenomenology & Vulnerability”, Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, Special Issue. Vol. 49 (3), 2018.

Boublil, E. and Daigle, C. (Eds.), Nietzsche and Phenomenology: Power, Life, Subjectivity. Studies in Continental Thought Series, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2013.

Articles (selections)

Boublil E., “Mythe(s) de l’intériorité et phénoménologie de la nature”, Revue Alter, n° 26, 2018 (forthcoming).

Boublil E., “Nietzsche et Scheler: vulnérabilité et ressentiment: Vers une phénoménologie morale?” In Nietzsche et la phénoménologie. Leclercq, J. and Bertot, C. (Eds.), Paris, Classiques Garnier, (forthcoming).

Boublil E., "Individuation, affectivity and the world: reframing operative intentionality”, in The Subject(s) of Phenomenology – New Approaches to Husserl. Apostolescu, I., Haensler, P. and Grahovac, V. (Eds.), (forthcoming).

Boublil E., “Métaphysique negative et poétique du désir. A propos de Renaud Barbaras, Métaphysique du Sentiment”, Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale, n°3, 2018, p. 417–429.

Boublil E., “The Ethics of Vulnerability and the Phenomenology of Interdependency”, Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, Special Issue. Vol. 49 (3), 2018, p. 183–192.

Boublil E., “Reliefs de la vulnérabilité, relèves de la liberté”. In Vulnérabilité et Empathie : Approches phénoménologiques de la relation. Boublil, E. (Ed.), Paris, Hermann, 2018.

Boublil E. and Wolmark L., “Vulnérabilité, soin et accueil des demandeurs d’asile”, Revue des droits de l’Homme, Revue du Centre d’études et de recherche sur les droits fondamentaux, 2017 (12).

Boublil E., ""De l’être à l’amour", Jean-Luc Marion lecteur de Nietzsche", in Lectures de Jean-Luc-Marion. Ciocan, C. and Vasiliu, A. (Eds.), Paris, Editions du Cerf, 2016, p. 215–232.

Boublil E., “Instaurer la juste distance. Autonomie, justice et vulnérabilité dans la pensée de Paul Ricoeur”. Etudes Ricoeuriennes/Ricoeur Studies, vol. 6 (2), 2015, p. 13–31.

Boublil E., “Of the vision and the riddle: from Nietzsche to phenomenology”. In Nietzsche and Phenomenology: Power, Life and Subjectivity. Boublil, E. and Daigle, C. (Eds.) Studies in Continental Thought Series, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2013, p. 141–158.

Boublil E., “Individuation et Intentionnalité: le propre de l’ego chez Husserl et Michel Henry”. In La vie et les vivants. (Re-) Lire Michel Henry. Jean, G., Leclercq, J., and Monseu, N. (Eds.), Presses Universitaires de Louvain, 2013, p. 117–128.

Boublil E., “La notion de Weltanschauung: généalogie d’un concept et d’un processus”, PhaenEx, vol. 4, n°1, 2009, p. 1–29.


Teaching experience

Seminars (2015–2017):
(Archives Husserl de Paris, CNRS-ENS)

“La vulnérabilité: au croisement des approches phénoménologiques, cliniques et éthiques” (2016-2017)
“Approches phénoménologiques de l’empathie” (2015-2016)

Courses (2009–2016)
(McGill University, United Nations International School, Sciences Po)

Introduction to Moral Theory
Contemporary Moral Issues
Philosophy of Religion
Theory of Knowledge


Photo: Patric Fouad
