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10th Cologne Toronto Graduate Student Colloquium

From February 20 to 22 the 10th Cologne Toronto Graduate Student Colloquium takes place in Cologne. This interdisciplinary colloquium is sponsored by the Research Training Group (GRK 2212) "Dynamics of Conventionality (400-1550)", by the Centre for Medieval Studies at the University of Toronto, by the Zentrum für Mittelalterstudien Köln (ZEMAK) and by the a.r.t.e.s. GraduateSchool for the Humanities Cologne.

Research Training Group “Dynamics of Conventionality”, Triforum, Innere Kanalstr. 15  (entrance: Weinsbergstr., 1st floor)

Thursday February 20

14:00: Welcome

14:30–15:45: Session 1
Chair: Tina Druckenmüller
Leonhard Fleischer: Giving Marital Consent – A Matter of Two! On the Emergence of two Papal Letters of Urban II in pre-Gratian Canon Law Collections.
Commentator: Giulio Silano

1600–17:15: Session 2
Chair: Sabine von Heusinger
Gregory CarrierFinding Paul Within: Berthold of Reichenau’s Pauline Interpretation of Herman of Reichenau’s Disability.
Commentator: Karl Ubl

17:30–18:45: Session 3
Chair: Karl Ubl
Brianna DaigneaultRiddling the Physiologus.
Commentator: Susanne Wittekind

19:30 Dinner: Flammenkuchenhütte – Belgischer Hof, Brüsseler Str. 54, 50674 Köln


Research Training Group “Dynamics of Conventionality”, Triforum, Innere Kanalstr. 15

Friday February 21

9:00–10:15: Session 4
Chair: Esther von Stosch
Zina UzdenskayaCrafting Sacred Images: Depicting Becket's Martyrdom on Limoges Reliquaries.
Commentator: Sabine von Heusinger

10:30–11:45: Session 5
Chair: Peter Orth
Rui Xu: Henry of Ghent on the Grounds for Possibility and Impossibility. 
Commentator: Andreas Speer

12:00–13:15: Session 6
Chair: Andreas Speer
Nicoló VantaggiatoJames of Metz’s Commentary on the Sentences. Peculiarities and textual evidence of a problematic critical edition.
Commentator: James Ginther

13:15–14:30: Lunch

14:30–15:45: Session 7
Chair: Monika Schausten
Clara Humrich: (Un)Dressing for Devotion – Jeanne de Navarre’s owner portraits and their vestimentary changes in her Book of Hours.
Commentator: Dorothea Kullmann

16:30: Excursion: Excavations under the Cologne Cathedral (meeting point St. Peter’s dwell)

18:30 Dinner (faculty): Ludwig im Museum, Heinrich-Böll-Platz, 50667 Köln

19:00: Pub night (students) 

a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities, “Skyfall”, Aachener Str. 217           (3rd floor)


Saturday February 22

9:00–10:15: Session 8
Chair: Étienne Doublier
Nils FoegeHow to Mark a Book, or: Decoding the ‘Rheinischen Verbundkatalog’ (Basel, F VI 53)
Commentator: Sebastian Sobecki 

10:30–11:45: Session 9
Chair: Andreas Speer
Martina BuccilliCondemning falsafa in the Latin Middle Ages. Towards a new critical edition of the Errores philosophorum attributed to Giles of Rome.
Commentator: Martin Pickavé

12:00–13:15: Session 10
Chair: James Ginther
Jamie St. Clair Collings: Critique, condemn, embrace? The ‘penitential’ adoption of classical materials in twelfth-century Cistercian meditative thought.
Commentator: Étienne Doublier

13:15–14:30: Lunch

14:30–15:45: Session 11
Chair: Peter Orth
Elisa Tundo: Two Treatises of Human Nature from the 16th century by Pietro Galatino.
Commentator: Bert Roest

16:00–17:30: Session 12
Chair: Annette Kaldorf
Álex Bermúdez Manjárres: The position of Petrarch in the context of 14th-century Latin letters production.
Commentator: Peter Orth

Concluding Words

19:00: Dinner: Brauhaus Peters, Mühlengasse 1, 50667 Köln
